This year has been one of new things; I married my beautiful wife, moved to a new apartment in a new city, and have made many new friends. So, it seems only right that I also should have a new website, which I am happy to say is now live at baphotos.com thanks to my very good life-long friend Kris Swanson. Thanks for all of your hard work, Kris!
The main concept of the site was clean and simple. To view an image on the old site, you had to click on each individual image, but now, all you have to do is click on a image and it will bring you to the next one without having to move your mouse. AND, da-da-da-da!: Bigger images! (The Hasselblad is happy about that.) We also added two new galleries that the old site didn't have: Coney Island Sundays and the Shishmaref collection of the Disapearing Villages series. Enjoy!
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