This month has been a busy, lovely month in Alaska. In addition to working on an exciting film (details later), celebrating my wife's birthday, and seeing our growing son on an ultrasound this week, I've been fortunate to have three cover photographs of three great people.
First of all, the cd release of my longtime subject and friend, Marian Call was this month, and in addition to the front and back covers of Something Fierce, my photographs are featured throughout the lovely jacket. I'm so proud of Marian and honored to be a part of her creative ventures.
This month's issue of Contemporary Verse 2, a contemporary poetry magazine, features a photograph I actually took over the summer of poet and author Rachel Zolf, an inspiring and engaging individual that I'm glad to have met while in the Big Apple. Zolf has published four books thus far and won both awards and notoriety for her work. A native Canadian, I'm sure we'll cross paths with her again, either up North or out East.
And lastly--but not leastly!--my photograph of the 2011 Iditarod champion, John Baker, was this month's cover of First Alaskans magazine. When John Baker won the Iditarod this year, it was something that all of Alaska celebrated, and especially those of us from Alaska Native communities and families. I am proud that I was able to photograph John, and I can't wait to see him race again! (To see a few more photos of John from the same shoot, visit this post written earlier this year during the Iditarod hubub.)
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